
The Biggest Advantages Of EMS Over Traditional Training?

EMS and Strength training are vital elements for basic fitness. If your body does not get a certain level of resistance as it grows, it won’t be able to reach its full potential. The same can be said truly when you are an adult.

Adults need a certain level of physical activity to keep their muscles in perfect shape. So even if you don’t want bulky muscles, you at least need a minimum amount of exercise to keep healthy.

But what if you do not have enough time in your busy schedule to work out? In that case, you can use EMS for a complete body workout.

EMS Body Training: Not Exactly New To The Market

EMS training might be new to vocabulary, but it’s not new to the industry. It has been around in the market for almost half a decade. The history of EMS training can be traced back to the 1970s.

EMS was then used to counter muscle atrophy in astronauts and quick muscle recovery through the expulsion of electrodes in the affected area. In addition, EMS is also used in treating the injuries of athletes.

In the first four decades, EMS was considered to be a tool to treat injuries. It was in 2010, that people realized its full potential and started using EMS devices for training. Evolving rapidly, EMS has now become a common alternative for training people.

EMS (Electric Muscle Stimulation) Benefits

EMS offers several benefits. One of the major benefits of using EMS training is that you can achieve significant results without exposing yourself to any injury with electrostimulation.

Although this is the first time you have been gearing about EMS, it has been in the industry for many decades. Over the decades, it has been applied in the fields of Psychotherapy and competitive sports. To know more about EMS training, why not join We202 studio.

Here are the EMS training benefits.

1. Develop Strength & Resistance

When working out in a Gym or another similar exercise, you can use close to 60% of your potential strength. This is because traditional exercise methods are based on targeting every muscle individually.

However, you can target more than 90% of your muscles with EMS. This is because EMS training induces electrical signals in the muscles, increasing muscle contraction intensity. This enhances your muscle capability to perform.

2. Improve Posture And Back Pain

Most people are suffering from improper posture and back pain. This is often because of muscle imbalance. An imbalance in the postural muscles, stomach, and pelvic floor cause different unpleasant symptoms. Such as back pain.

You may particularly notice when you sit at a desk for a long period of time. EMS can help you target all your muscles and improve postural imbalances and back pain.

3. Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

Most people suffer from a weak pelvic floor. This affects their pelvic contraction process. People who are weak in this area can use EMS training and strengthen pelvic floor muscles.

It is quite challenging to work on your pelvic muscles with traditional exercise. But with EMS, you can target every muscle fiber.

4. Correct Your Muscular Imbalances

EMS is designed in such a way that you can specifically target selective muscles. This is especially important if you want to correct muscle imbalances.

For instance, if you are sitting in your chair for a longer time, it weakens your chest muscles. This can create a muscle imbalance in your body.

However, with EMS training, you can target all your body muscles in a single workout session and thereby maintain muscle balance.

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EMS On Injuries

One of the best things about using EMS is that you can use it to train weak muscles that are atrophied due to injury or have experienced long-term immobility.

In the EMS training, electrical signals are sent to the muscles and excite the muscle to contract and relax. This stimulation helps the muscle to get into action.

The electrical stimulation helps the muscle to gain strength in the affected area and improves the muscle tone.

Furthermore, conventional training puts a lot of pressure on the human body and joints. As EMS training uses electrical signals to activate your muscle, it doesn’t put pressure on any joints, ensuring your joints retain their flexibility.

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